Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Swimming Lessons

So I have been on Hiatus the past week, but I'm back!!!! We have been taking Royce twice a week to swimming lessons. Now, I know some of you are thinking "What could a 15 month old seriously learn at swimming lessons"? Well, definitely not how to swim. My family has a lake house at Kerr Lake and we go a lot in the summer. We are always out on the boat and Royce is really getting curious about the water and the boat especially.We also have a pool in our neighborhood and every time we go he just cries when we put in the water! So I just want him to get comfortable being in the water and since I am not the best swimmer myself, I thought a swim teacher would know better than me!

So two weeks ago we went to our first lesson. I swear I almost left that very first night! Bart got in the water with him that night. To say that he did not like it would be the biggest understatement of the year. He clung to Bart's neck and cried the entire lesson. Of course mine was the only one crying to add insult to injury! I forced myself to take him to the second lesson. I am so glad I did! Bart wasn't able to go, so it was my turn! After we got in and he got used to the water temperature, he slowly let go of his death grip on my neck and actually let me turn him around and interact with the other children. Now at week three of our lessons, he is doing SO much better! He splashes and kicks his legs. Last night he even let me put his face down in the water!

So, for everybody who thinks I am crazy, I am so glad we did this! We went to the lake this past weekend with family, and he really did so much better. If it wasn't for the fact that he has to wear this ridiculous life jacket, I think he might have actually enjoyed himself! Although he did relax in his lifr jacket enough to go to sleep while were at the fireworks!

Anyway, so that is what I have been up to in my crazy little life lately! Between work, family, and the band, sometimes I feel like there is not enough of me to go around! But I wouldn't have it any other way! Hope you guys have a great week!!!!


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