Monday, July 1, 2013

Storm Chaser and Weather Hobbiest

I love weather.  Have ever since I was little.  I used to sneak outside and stand in the rain whenever there was a good storm coming.  I also really only like the beach when there has been a storm about to come or already just passed - that makes the surf rough.

I have a weather radio and used to watch the Weather Channel all the time (when we had cable in NY).  

I know it sounds crazy to some of you, but I want to see a tornado some day.  I don't like the damage it produces - but I am amazed at how they form.  I have a huge collection of weather vhs and dvd's.  Discover Channel, Weather Channel, Twister and any other documentary probably known to man.  

I take Joyce with me on storm chases.  One time in New York, we missed a tornado by 1 hour.  We drove up Taconic Pkwy up through Vermont and Massachusetts.   (In NY, tornadoes are really rare, mostly because of the mountains preventing the favorable conditions for a tornado.)   Anyway, when we drove into Mass., we saw the path where the tornado cleaned up a mountainside down into the next town.  It looked like someone took a gigantic power mower up the side of the mountain.  

A couple of years ago we also had a tornado hit Raleigh.  I was driving around in my van and didn't have my weather radio.  I couldn't believe I missed seeing it.  

Well, just wanted to tell you a little bit about my love for weather.  And when the next storm is coming and you see a van driving into the storm, you'll know it's me!



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