Friday, June 21, 2013

T.G.I.F.! Or....T.G.F.T.?

T.G.I.F.  We've all heard it.  We've all said it. "Thank God It's Friday!"  

We run so hard during the week with all sorts of things keeping us busy - work, school, family, kids, pets, laundry, cars (and all the extra stuff in between) - that it is so easy to want to throw our hands up in the air and do the TGIF dance on Fridays without even a thought of how we just blew by the rest of the week.  I am thankful for Fridays - for sure!  I get to wear jeans to work, people are more relaxed in general and everyone can't wait for the weekend!  

I'm glad so many people are happy on Fridays.  But I really wish that we could honestly say T.G.I.M. (Thank God It's Monday) or T.G.I.T. (Thank God It's Tuesday) every day of the week.  I guess most of us don't really want to "T.G.I.M." because it means getting back into the grind of work - or going to school and having a pop exam waiting - or trying to take care of 3 preschool kids and a dog without any help during the day - or being in a house alone the whole week with no one calling you.

One of the remedies for a change of perspective on Monday drudgery (or any other typical work week day) is having a critical life event happen to you or a loved one.  It could be getting a certain test result from a doctor or it could be having a close call fender bender on the way home from work.   All of a sudden, life and living seem to be a little more precious.  All of a sudden, it's not just Fridays you're happy for, but every day of living!  

So, on this Friday, take a moment to be thankful for the weekend, yes....but, also be thankful for each day God has granted and gifted you!  He has given us all unique life journeys ~ in this time/space ~ with this particular  family ~ at this exact job/company ~ with these friends ~ let us all live it to the MAX!  And let us all be thankful for every day gifted to us!

T.G.F.T.!  (Thanking God For Today!),

"Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow" --- Yes, even hope for Mondays!

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