"It's not what we do that determines who we are; it is who we are and how we perceive ourselves that determines what we do." -N.Anderson/M.Quarles
This quote goes against everything we are taught today. Everything - our identity - ends up being wrapped up in what we do. We even start out that way when we introduce ourselves to people. "Nice to meet you John. So, what do you do?" We follow up quickly by mentioning we work for such-n-such company for so many years and before that it was so-n-so company. This do-ing seeps into every aspect of our lives and slowly somehow our doing/actions end up defining us. This even ends up happening in the church today.
So many Christians are walking around thinking it is what they do that defines their faith. This is a very tricky and slippery slope that can lead quickly to discouraging thoughts, depression and despair. Why? Because if we look to what WE do, we know we fail - or better yet, we did lots of "good deeds" so we consider ourselves to be a good person. Our identity becomes wrapped up in how good or bad we are instead of who we are in Christ. Moralistic based religion instead of true Christianity. (I know, because I used to be in that frame of mind/thought for years and it paralyzed me.)
So many Christians are walking around thinking it is what they do that defines their faith. This is a very tricky and slippery slope that can lead quickly to discouraging thoughts, depression and despair. Why? Because if we look to what WE do, we know we fail - or better yet, we did lots of "good deeds" so we consider ourselves to be a good person. Our identity becomes wrapped up in how good or bad we are instead of who we are in Christ. Moralistic based religion instead of true Christianity. (I know, because I used to be in that frame of mind/thought for years and it paralyzed me.)
I created a word that helps define this awkward and paralyzing land of limbo. It's called the "lawspel". The definition is when the Law (rules and regulations) is mixed with the Gospel (grace and freedom through our identity in Christ). It is a faith that starts out knowing you're saved - but then after you are saved, you just better work hard at being a good man/woman/boy/girl - or else! There is a familiar saying out there, "Don't smoke, drink or chew - or hang out with people that do!" Simply put, it is "works based" chains of bondage religion. It is not true Christianity. It is exactly what Paul wrote about to the Galatians.
The only way to unlock the chains of works based lawspel bondage is by having the right keys. The keys are grace (the gospel) and (a correct understanding of one's) identity in Christ. God's grace and love are so much bigger than we think. Many of us already have heard about Christ dying in our place but what we skip over so many times is the fact that his dying on the cross and being raised again paid for ALL of our sin - past, present AND future sin. Yes - all of it....including future sin! At the cross, Christ sealed our identity in HIM. When God the Father sees us (those who believe), He sees Christ. Forever. Period. Always. That is my identity. And if you believe in Christ, it is your identity as well. His love for us never ends. I mean, never ever! It doesn't mean we won't sin again, or that we should sin up a storm - but it does mean that it is ALL paid for even when we do! God's mercy and love is THAT big and unending. Now that is good news! That is truth that is truly heart changing. To know that no matter what I do, good or bad, I am loved and accepted by God because of Christ. That knowledge and understanding of the gospel is what drives my motivation to want to love more and sin less - not the reverse.
This is so hard for some to grasp because our culture is so works oriented. We applaud and reward for good behavior and punish for bad/wrong behavior. With God, it is all based on what his son did - not on what we did, or do or will do. It's all about Jesus. His grace really is sufficient.
2 Peter 3:18 "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
P.S. If you are searching to know more about grace and true freedom in Christ, I've added a couple of resources that helped me break free of the "lawspel":
Christless Christianity by Michael Horton (The book that started it all for me - thanks for recommending it Phil in NY! This book should be mandatory reading for all Christians.)
The Gospel Driven Life by Michael Horton (The follow up book to Christless Christianity.)
4 years of messages by my good friend Gordon Duncan: You can find some of those messages here on Sermoncloud.
Freedom from Addiction by Neil T.Anderson and Mike & Julia Quarles (This book is not just for people struggling with addictions - it is a great resource for learning about identity in Christ.)
Grace Grace Grace!!