A real-life look into the lives and interests of each member of the Josh Pepper Band. We are all quirky in our own way. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
....And the Greatest Is Love
Good evening everyone! Josh here.
I, like most of you guys, have spent a great deal of time over the past few weeks watching our country being split apart once again over an issue that can easily be overcome. Hatred, racism and a general disgust for anyone who has a different opinion than your own.
My point in this post is not to stir any crazy emotions and/or anger anyone. It is simply to put into perspective one single biblical passage that could transform our country and our planet. I am scared. I am worried that we have collectively lost touch with reality and are struggling to overcome a sense of hopelessness that has been placed on our lives unexpectedly by a world that is lost and void of our Lord.
As I watched the coverage of the Treyvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial and subsequent verdict, I was struck with an overwhelming reality that we are NOT acting like one nation. We will NEVER agree on everything that we do. We will NEVER get our way every time we set out to accomplish a goal. But worst of all, we are NOT acting like one group of God's children. After all, that is what we are supposed to be. ONE.
During my daily Bible reading tonight I was drawn to this one verse that could change everything if we can only apply it to everything we do.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:31
Why is this SO important? What makes this commandment the greatest of all? Because if WE ALL do this, everything else will fall into place.
I don't want to be the one to rain on your parade...I really don't. But, this world is going crazy. Everywhere you turn or look there is something bad happening. When did we stray so far from God's word that we collectively forgot about the most important thing? Or have we actually reached a time where enough people don't know the word that it isn't applicable to their day to day lives?
God loved us SO much that he sacrificed His only son to pre-pay our sin debt and allow us to have complete and total forgiveness in His eyes. THAT IS LOVE! That is the kind of love that can literally change the world. The kind of love that can feed the hungry, empower the weak, heal the sick, and give hope to a seemingly hopeless world.
We HAVE to get back to the basics. I don't mean throwing away cell phones and cutting off Internet. I mean the basics of GOD'S message to us. Times change. Technology changes. But the message that Jesus came here to preach is always relevant. LOVE one another! Treat everyone with respect. And live a life of good morals that glorifies HIM.
There is nothing in this world that is too difficult if we face it as a team. The only way to truly face it as a team is to LOVE one another like we love ourselves. That's what Jesus told us in Mark 12:31.
I LOVE YOU ALL .....................................
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