Hey guys...It's me again...I know when we started this blog we said that we were NOT going to post about music ONLY...I have failed miserably. So here we go again....
I'm posting a rundown of all of my gear. What makes me sound like me? Here ya go! Now I know that NOBODY will give a "you know what" about what type equipment I use now...But it's kind of like the movie "Field Of Dreams". If you build it they will come. I've spent the better part of my playing days watching and reading my heroes' "rig rundown" to achieve a sound that I feel like is unique to me and my playing style. So here goes......
Yamaha AC1M - My main acoustic guitar. EVERY SINGLE acoustic that I've owned over the years has been traded and some sort of Yamaha has replaced it. Their older "red label" models are some of the best instruments around. I traded in a Taylor 214 acoustic electric for this guitar when Yamaha first introduced this model...Yamaha acoustics are the ONLY acoustics that I have ever played that make me feel happy inside....okay, is that enough buttering up??? (cough cough - endorsement deal- cough cough hint hint)...But seriously, I'd recommend ANY Yamaha acoustic guitar over any other low/mid range guitars. They just know how to build them.
Epiphone 12 String (Custom) - This is the newest edition. Newest family member..Beautiful guitar that sounds incredible. Every now and then you find a guitar that sounds so good that you overlook the fact that price often=quality. This thing sounds and feels like a MUCH MUCH more expensive guitar. It was painted custom pearl white with teal streaks by the previous owner who owned a body shop and had some left over PEARL WHITE from a 69 Caddy....I feel like Elvis would love this thing!
1970's Yamaha FG-75 Red Label Nippon Gakki - As I said before, Yamaha makes amazing guitars! The older ones (if you can find one) are absolute treasures. I bought this guitar for $65 from an older gentleman who had it from the day it left the Yamaha factory. It was and is in incredible condition (considering the age and typical wear). I installed an LR Baggs M1A sound hole pickup for live situations. It's a smaller guitar, similar to the Gibson Blues Box styles of Robert Johnson in the early 1900's. Sounds so sweet on finger-picking blues songs!
Gibson ES135 - This one is actually my dad's guitar. I pulled it out of a heap of dust one day and was furious that it hadn't been played in so long. It's been my main guitar ever since I put my palms around it. It is from the last run of the Gibson ES135 and has the pointed cutout instead of the rounded ones like the 137. Good for everything from jazz to rock to country and PERFECT for our style of bluesy funk rock.
Fender Deluxe Super Stratocaster - This was actually my first electric guitar. It was 3 tone sunburst when I bought it. I wanted something that looked like Stevie Ray Vaughan's guitar. I have since stripped it down and turned it into a project guitar. Everything I've done to it has sounded great but I still haven't found EXACTLY what I'm wanting. It has the initials of my two boys on it as well as a star similar to the one tattooed on my left wrist. This one is for my boys, seeing as how I was just a little boy when I purchased it!
1997 Paul Reed Smith Swamp Ash Special - SHHHHH...this will be our little secret....The bank still thinks that this is 1998 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra...hahahaha...When I graduated from Garner High School in 2002, i got a little bit of money from family and friends. It was nice! I REALLY needed a new car so I went to the bank to see about getting a car loan. While waiting to hear back I went to Indoor Storm in Raleigh and sat down to play a few guitars. I immediately fell in love. Not only is this thing absolutely gorgeous, it plays and sounds better than ANY guitar I've ever put in my hands! Pull pot humbucker to single coil switching, natural ash body and flamed, birds eye maple fretboard and built prior to PRS going huge and producing these things in a factory somewhere..It was probably built in his stinking garage!!!...what more could you ask for in a guitar? I took the $500 cash and bought an old beater car. Then proceeded to the guitar shop with my car loan money and bought it. NEVER LETTING IT GO!
Fender Blues Jr - Funny story about this amp. After Carter(my oldest boy) was born, Fender had just introduced the Blues Jr and the Pro Jr. Both are small sized tube amps with a vintage bluesy twang. I had to have it! It sounded so good with the Telecaster I had at the time and the Strat pictured above. I saved up and bought it. Less than six months later, Carter, barely crawling, came up to me holding a bunch of tubes and electronics...He pointed at the amp and said " I fix it"...He certainly did. He fixed it SO good, I couldn't even afford the repairs until just recently! But he was so cute doing it! It is my primary amp and for good reason. Everything about it screams blues. That's where most of my style and influences stem from anyway so it's a perfect fit!
1970's Music Man HD-130 - My dad found this amplifier head for next to nothing. Music Man back in those days was a part of Fender for all intents and purposes. This amp has a LOT of power and a LOT of tone. I like to use it for my cleaner sounds. It takes a lot of volume for it to break up and the vintage tube cleans ring out like bells. It has a GREAT reverb on it as well.
Effects Pedals :
My pedal board setup is fairly simple. I like to use the sounds that the guitar/amp combination gives more than over do it with effects. From time to time I'll kick up the overdrive a little or boost the signal for solo's. Maybe a light tremolo or phaser...Then of course there is the Crybaby Wah. Not used very often, but it is THE wah pedal of ALL wah pedals when used in the right way and situation. My pedal list is as follows:
Crybaby Wah
Ibenez Tube Screamer
MXR Phase 90
Boss Tremelo
LPB-1 Signal Boost
Holy Grail Reverb
MXR Dyna Comp compressor
and of course a Boss Tuner.
I switch from amp to acoustic direct box with a Morley switchbox. This allows me to use the same strap and cord for ANY guitar I choose at any given moment during a show.
The most important thing that makes my style, my style is my life. When I'm on stage I try my best to channel every emotion, good or bad, that I have ever experienced and let it come through in my guitar playing. After all, that's where all of the songs come from anyway...LIFE EXPERIENCES. LIFE EMOTIONS. If it weren't for my wife and my kids, I probably would have quit long ago. But a great muse is bigger than any piece of equipment you could possibly have! Thanks baby. Thanks boys. You make me who I am. And you make me able to do what I do! Love you all!!!
Have a HAPPY and SAFE Fourth Everyone!!!
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