Hello everyone, My name is Eric and I’m the bass player in the Josh Pepper Band. Just like to hope that everyone has had a nice week so far? The weather is a bit of an issue for now and tomorrow, but hey!! We have the weekend coming and we have A LOT to be thankful for. Today was pretty routine for me. Got music on my mind and how I’m going to spend my weekend.
Now, as far as our blog!! I was thinking… if you thought about it in alphabetically, it would be, Alog, Blog ,Clog, Dlog, Elog, Flog, Glog, Hlog, Ilog, Jlog, Klog, Llog, Mlog, Nlog, Olog, Plog, Qlog, Rlog, Slog, Tlog, Ulog, Vlog, Wlog, Xlog, Zlog!!! Silly, yes, but I thought it was funny to think about. Well, There ya go.
Just may try and catch me a fish this weekend and think about what else I can put on here next week. I hope to catch another one of these!!!! Just under 8lbs!!! Yaw wish me luck!! I’ll let ya know!! Thanks for your time and interest in our band. We all have a lot to be thankful for. I know I do. Have a great weekend!!!!
Eric- great catch!!! My dad will be jealous!